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Sam Moss

Samuel Moss is a fourth year PhD candidate in Dr. Adam Feinberg’s Regenerative Biomaterials and Therapeutics Group. He earned his BS in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 2020. His work is primarily focused on fabricating structured organoids and cell aggregates using FRESH 3D bioprinting. 

Professor Feinberg's lab is developing materials-based engineering strategies to encode information in the 3-D environment of the cell. They are currently investigating the basic properties of engineered ECM and using this to build cardiac, skeletal and corneal tissues. On the basic science side, they are exploring the biomechanics and mechanobiology of engineered fibronectin, laminin and collagen nanofibers. On the applied side, they are merging developmental biology and materials science to build 2-D and 3-D scaffolds that drive stem cells to differentiate and form functional tissues.

Dr. Feinburgh is the PI of the Regenerative Biomaterials and Therapeutics Group at Carnegie Mellon University.

March 26

Ioannis K. Zervantonakis, PhD: Microfluidic approaches to study cancer-macrophage interactions in 3D environments

May 28

Polly Mattila, PhD, and Adrian Lee, PhD