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Leonardo D'Aiuto, PhD: Modeling Host-Pathogen Interaction Using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Dr. D’Aiuto’s area of expertise is neurotropic viruses, focusing on novel approaches for the generation of three-dimensional neuronal cultures from human-induced pluripotent stem cells to as a model system for exploring the relationship between central nervous system neurotropic viral infections and psychiatric disorders. Through a recently awarded R01 grant funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Dr. D’Aiuto studies the effects of herpes simplex virus infection on neural progenitor cell biology. In addition, he serves as a co-investigator on federally and privately funded research projects with colleagues in Psychiatry, as well as Medicine, and in Infectious Diseases and Microbiology at Pitt Public Health.

August 22

Neil Hukriede, PhD: Using Human Kidney Organoids to Model Renal Injury

October 24

Velpandi Ayyavoo, PhD: Brain Organoids- An Emerging Model System to Study HIV-1 Neuropathogenesis.