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Liz Johnston, PhD Candidate (Abbot Lab, CMU)

Liz Johnston is a Ph.D. student in Dr. Rosalyn Abbott’s Lab within the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. Her work focuses on the development of an efficacious defatting cocktail to defat steatotic livers prior to liver transplant. In her talk, she will discuss the production of a three-dimensional model of steatosis that mimics the pathology seen in discarded steatotic livers. She will then show her approach toward the development of an effective defatting cocktail for future incorporation into normothermic machine perfusion systems to improve steatotic liver transplant outcomes.

The Abbott Lab is in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University.

January 23

Megan Culler Freeman, MD, PhD: Spinal Cord Organoids as a Model for EV-D68 CNS Infection

March 26

Ioannis K. Zervantonakis, PhD: Microfluidic approaches to study cancer-macrophage interactions in 3D environments